Rockford Public School Case Study

Case Study Overview:

  • Client:  Rockford Public Schools
  • Challenge:  Managing user accounts for students and staff members, particularly during actions such as hiring, internal transfers, and terminations, was a cumbersome process.
  • Solution:  The flexibility of HelloID allowed it to adapt to the district’s evolving user management policies, making necessary adjustments easily and efficiently.
  • Products: HelloID, Active Directory, Skyward Business, Skyward Student SMS, Google
  • Result: HelloID has streamlined operations, enhanced security, and provided a flexible, adaptable solution.


Rockford Public Schools Seamless Upgrade from UMRA to HelloID

In today’s evolving educational environment, managing the identities and access for thousands of students and staff accounts is a significant challenge. This case study explores how Rockford Public Schools transitioned to using HelloID, an identity management solution, to streamline user account management and enhance security. This case study explores the conversion process, key features of HelloID, and the impact on their operations.

Challenges Before HelloID

The school district grappled with several operational and security challenges. Managing user accounts for 7,500 students and 1,500 staff members, particularly during actions such as hiring, internal transfers, and terminations, was a cumbersome process. Also, the district had recently transitioned from a purely Windows environment to a hybrid Windows/Chromebook setup, complicating access management further. Ensuring that students and staff had easy and secure access to the necessary systems was time-consuming and inefficient, hindering productivity and potentially compromising security.

Evaluation and Selection of HelloID

The district’s journey to adopting HelloID was straightforward. Initially, Rockford Public Schools utilized UMRA, a Tools4ever legacy solution, that was recommended at a past Skyward conference. Jon Kramer, the Manager of Information Systems at Rockford Public Schools, stated, “We used UMRA for several years, so it was a natural extension to upgrade to HelloID and related products.” No other identity management solutions were considered, as the district had confidence in using Tools4ever’s products.

”We used UMRA for several years, so it was a natural extension to upgrade to HelloID and related products.”

Jon Kramer, Manager of Information Systems, Rockford Public Schools

Key Product Highlights

Integration and Adaptability: HelloID integrated practically seamlessly with the district’s existing systems, including Active Directory, Skyward Business, Skyward Student SMS, and Google. The primary challenges faced during integration were related to human interaction rather than technical issues. The flexibility of HelloID allowed it to adapt to the district’s evolving user management policies, making necessary adjustments easily and efficiently.

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: The implementation of HelloID significantly reduced the time required to onboard new staff, cutting it down from days to just hours. The Application Portal provides 100% hands-off software access, dramatically improving efficiency. By automating account management processes, the district can focus more on its core business processes, knowing that user access is handled effectively and securely.

Security Enhancement and Compliance: One of the most critical improvements following the adoption of HelloID is in the realm of security. The automation of account management ensures that inactive staff accounts are disabled within hours, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. This enhancement makes the network more secure and ensures compliance with relevant data protection and privacy regulations by preventing terminated staff from accessing systems post-employment.

Consultancy and Support

The district’s experience with HelloID’s customer support was overwhelmingly positive. The Tools4ever support team was consistently described as “awesome,” being always available, helpful, willing, and patient during the implementation and post-implementation of HelloID. The process was smooth, and the support team promptly and effectively addressed any challenges, ensuring a successful conversion.

Future Outlook and Endorsement

The district anticipates that HelloID will continue to play a crucial role in its long-term goals and strategies. The product’s flexibility ensures that it can adapt to any changes that might occur in the future, providing continued value and support. Rockford Public Schools would endorse HelloID to similar organizations, particularly after discussing their specific needs and environment to determine if it would be a good fit. The district’s recommendation is strongly based on the positive experiences and robust support received throughout their transition to HelloID.


Overall, the transition to HelloID has been a positive experience for the school district. By addressing their initial challenges with user account management and security, HelloID has streamlined operations, enhanced security, and provided a flexible, adaptable solution that will support the district’s needs well into the future. With outstanding customer support and a proven track record of success, HelloID has become integral to the district’s identity management strategy, ensuring it can continue delivering quality education while maintaining robust security and compliance standards.