Pytheas provides asset management and helpdesk solutions to assist organizations with their IT Service Management. Pytheas’ ITSM solution covers functionality and workflows for the service desk, administration and monitoring, and inventory. Pytheas also provides a MailGate, a POP3 Connector/Gateway for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino, and a printer deployment solution.
Through a connection with HelloID, your source system’s data provides your organization with the perfect foundation to fully automate provisioning and identity management within Pytheas’ ITSM platform.
HelloID uses a configurable attribute mapper to link to fields and variables within your source system. Based on the linked role and attribute data, HelloID automatically executes your configured provisioning processes.
Onboarding, Provisioning, & Ongoing Management
HelloID detects changes whenever HR adds or updates employee identity data in your source system. Detected role and attribute changes trigger processes that update users and their access to connected IT resources according to your configurations. Processes are automatic, consistent, and logged, which reclaims substantial bandwidth for IT staff.
HelloID automatically creates and sets up Pytheas accounts for new users based upon their attributes and role. When existing users have their role and attribute data updated, HelloID detects and processes these changes to ensure Pytheas accounts remain up-to-date. At the end of the user account lifecycle, HR changes the departing employee’s status in the source system, and HelloID automatically executes all configured processes.
By leveraging HelloID’s connections and your identity data, automated provisioning and attribute-based access control within Pytheas has never been as quick or easy.