You probably know that Single Sign-On (SSO) software allows users to login with a single set of credentials, but there is much more to SSO than that!
Did you know that SSO has many other features which save both your employees and helpdesk a lot of headache?
Here is a brief outline of some additional features that many Single Sign-On solutions have:
Authentication Management
This provides two-factor authentication and replaces the regular Windows login credentials with a card with a PIN code. The various types of physical recognition supported are cryptographic cards, USB tokens, certificates, active RFID and biometrics. Features include customizable complexity of PIN, linking with existing access systems and a delegation module so that managers can self-reset their PINs.
Two factor authentication ensures security of the company’s network and that the person logging in, is who they claim to be.
SSO Anywhere
SSO Anywhere offers employees who work outside of the organization’s network to login only once and have access to all applications in the network and in the cloud. This allows employees who work outside of the office, to also enjoy the benefits of SSO and use a single password for all of their cloud applications while on the go.
Virtual Desktop Automation
The use of desktop virtualization has many benefits including Fast User Switching. This allows multiple employees to quickly login and out of their applications on a workstation (PC kiosk) and easily eliminates the need for shared user accounts.
Another advantage is the simple inclusion of sessions from desktop to desktop (Follow Me). The user simply places their access card on the reader and the VDA module automatically re-connects with the open session, so that they can easily continue their work on another computer or workstation.
Want to learn more about Single Sign-On? Read this Single Sign-On Whitepaper!