Featured Connector


While HelloID offers dedicated connectors for many systems and applications, it would be impossible to provide such for every conceivable IT resource. This is especially true for homegrown applications and databases.

However, PowerShell allows HelloID to connect to every conceivable system or application—source or target—that is a Windows service, offers REST API integration, or is an ODBC-compliant database running on SQL Server. This way, you can always seamlessly automate provisioning and other identity management processes with HelloID.

PowerShell is one of the most versatile command-line interfaces and scripting languages for Windows environments. Its uses range from automating various system administrator tasks to retrieving data to remote software installation and setup. One of the major benefits of PowerShell scripts is that they can communicate with all Windows services or an extremely wide range of third-party systems and applications that offer REST APIs or are ODBC-compliant.

PowerShell’s ability to automate tasks and communicate with so many systems and applications makes it one of HelloID’s strongest integrations. If dedicated HelloID connectors don’t exist for a given system or application, leveraging PowerShell still allows you to integrate them and achieve automated identity management.

PowerShell-Driven Identity Management

With HelloID, Tools4ever offers both a library of pre-built PowerShell scripts or the option to create your own custom ones. The pre-built PowerShell scripts should cover a wide range of use cases, but the option to run HelloID tasks with custom scripts allows you to configure specific processes for your organization’s unique environment and operations.

For provisioning needs, PowerShell may be used to retrieve specified attributes pertaining to employees, their roles, and their contracts from a source system. HelloID syncs these attributes to determine which business rules, and therefore entitlements, apply to a given user. Based on these business rules and associated entitlements, HelloID may use PowerShell to create accounts, add group memberships, and assign access privileges in all connected target systems and applications. If necessary, your entire provisioning process can be automated via PowerShell.

Service Automation, HelloID’s self-service module, similarly leverages PowerShell’s capabilities. If a user’s request for access to a given application is approved, HelloID executes all of the configured backend tasks as it would during regular provisioning processes. PowerShell-enabled self-service and task execution reach far beyond account creation and setup, however. Any PowerShell script you can imagine may be placed within a HelloID task and configured for self-service.

HelloID further utilizes PowerShell scripts to dynamically populate fields, drop-downs, and more within its “Dynamic Forms.” Using the Form Builder, you can create any manner of form that is linked to specific tasks. PowerShell scripts may be used to fill in data or show set choices for a given user based on their role and other attributes. You can also link a form to specific PowerShell-driven tasks that are to be executed upon submission.